Medical Facilities Cleaning

Medical Facilities Cleaning

What We Do

Medical Facilities Cleaning

At TCG Cleaning, we specialise in the cleaning of medical facilities as we understand the needs of our customers in the healthcare industry and we are here to support with your expertise and professional skills.

TCG Cleaning Group can provide a single solution for all your healthcare premises regardless of size or operation. 

Maintaining a clean and sterile environment is essential for infection control in all healthcare premises.

We have a huge amount of cleaning experience across multiple sectors which puts us in the perfect position to be able to offer reliable cleaning services for private and public medical centres and healthcare buildings.

Operating on short or long term agreements, we can deliver accountability and key performance indicators to ensure accountability in a healthcare setting where cleanliness can save lives.

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Simply fill in the form below and one of our experienced consultants will contact you to discuss your requirement.

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Alternatively give us a call today on 

07706 932473

or email us directly

What We Do

Service you can trust

Our services can be provided in doctors surgeries, medical centres, hospitals, clinics, dental practices and other medical facilities. 

There is no single solution for any of our clients in the healthcare and medical sectors so contact our experienced team today for a bespoke proposal. 

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